Monday, October 11, 2010


8-8-8 Olympics in Beijing

10-10-10 Saint Andre song was first recorded in Montreal and launched in My Space!

Saint Joseph inspired the lyrics on Saint Andre.

Our Lady of Lourdes inspired the words on Saint Joseph and Jesus.

10-10-10 is our Olympics for Frere Andre and we have achieved it as planned!

10-10-10 is our Olympics for the Oratory of St. Joseph and we have achieved it as planned!

The Saint Frere Andre song and the Oratory of St. Joseph song took 25 years to compose!!

For those who have faith, no explanation is necessary. For those without faith, no explanation is sufficient.

I never planned (no one can) Brother Andre's canonization this coming October 17, 2010 in Rome (I have no contacts at the Vatican). It is exactly 7 days after 10-10-10. It is a mere coincidence. Or is it a God-incidence?

And to think that I did not catch colds so I can sing and record this song on this very day 10-10-10 as planned years ago as inspired by St. Joseph at the Oratory!

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